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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

Delivery charges

We offer free delivery for orders above Rs.300. For all orders below Rs 300, an additional Rs.50 shall be charged towards shipping.


Estimated delivery time

Usually, shipment gets delivered within 5 working days in India. In some cases, if product is not available in stock or disapproved in quality check then it takes around 7-8 working days for delivery.


Does deliver internationally?

Yes, delivers worldwide. To know more about international shipping call us.


Are there any extra hidden charges [octroi, sales tax]?

There are no additional charges, the prices you see on our pages is the final price you have to pay. We offer free delivery for orders above Rs. 500. For all orders below Rs 500, an additional Rs.50 shall be charged towards shipping.


How to track an order status?

Our products are dispatched from the courier partners like DTDC, Ecom Express and Blue Dart.  We send a confirmation message to our customer within 24hours of product being dispatched. The confirmation message contains the courier tracking number & tracking link.


Security of jewellery during transit

We fully assure you that your product is safe during transit. But it is important that the person who accepts the delivery is the right person and only receives it if it is sealed and not tampered. If the package is tempered please contact us

Return & Exchange Policy

We try our best to give you excellent jewellery but if you are not satisfied with your ordered product then you can return it by following our goods return policy.


7 day replacement / return guarantee


All products sold by us are covered under our 7day replacement/goods return policy. If the product that you have ordered does not fit you or is damaged or defective then we shall replace it within 7days or refund your money. Follow the following procedure to return the product:

To get your product replaced please contact our customer care executive at +91-8088985225   or email us at within 7 working days from the date of delivery.

Under the following situations the product shall not be eligible for return or replacement under this policy.

  1. If the original box containing the product get damaged

  2. If the product is washed

  3. If the product is not in its original state

  4. If the product is returned without its original packing & jewellery

  5. Product without a valid or readable serial number, including but not limited to products with missing, damaged, tampered or with unreadable serial number.

How to return a purchased item?

To return your ordered product please call our customer care executive at:- +91-8088985225 or email us at— Our customer care executive will help you to follow the further process.

Please note that if the product has been damaged in-transit please contact our customer care executive who will guide you in preparing the product return shipment.


Refund for returned product

Once you have shipped the product & it reaches us, then it shall be inspected by our executive officer.

If our inspecting officer finds the concerns raised by you are genuine & he is satisfied that there is indeed a problem with the product; then we shall refund the purchase amount to your account with same payment method used during the purchase of the product.

Please note that the inspecting officer's decision on the matter shall be final & binding.

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